I spent Saturday afternoon at the strip malls, stand alone stores and then the dreaded mall.
I was on a mission to find the perfect dress for the Governors Inaugural Ball. I finally found it. It is just pretty. I will try to get a photo up for you before the event. I decided to get the shoes, handbag and jewelry all at the same store. They were having a big sale and the dress was about 30% off the list price. Not bad but a little more than I wanted to spend. It became a choice of time vs. money. I only had this Saturday and next Saturday to shop. I have way to many meetings planned for the rest of the month.
When I got home, I called my perspective date, P. to let him know I found the dress and find out if he was off from work that day. (his schedule drives me batty) Yes, he has the day off so now he is my date for the big event. I told him he had to rent a tux and I wanted a black one. He asked about the dress and I told him Yes I spent to much on it, but he had to see it before the event. He gave me shit about the price of the tickets, the dress and accessories. I just told him to shut up and rent a tux.
I headed out to see Catch me if you Can at the local theater. It was a good movie, to bad it is out when there are so many others with more publicity.
Sunday- Church, rescheduled breakfast to dinner. Worked on clearing the clutter in the closets and then off to the Journal Writers meeting up in the Dot Com Dead Zone - North Austin. I need to go to the grocery store tonight, out of cream for the coffee and am running out of coffee.