Baby don’t leave your fingerprints at a crime scene.
It was forensics last nigh in police class. They have some groovy new tools, there is more science on the way and bad boy, you will get caught! The presentation was very good, lots of information, a bunch of slides and some nifty new tools. I got to hear the stories of my classmates ride alongs. (I head out tonight.)
Most of the folks rode on the same nights Thursday and Friday the 16th and 17th. It was odd to hear about the different experiences. It is making me a little nervous, most rode with rookies, got instructed on how to disengage the shot gun if needed. How to summon help and some basic instructions on safety. I don’t know what officer I will be assigned to. I spoke to one of my contacts earlier in the week trying to decide what to wear. She was giggling when she said she would make some recommendations.
I just can’t decide what to wear. I have the Citizens Police Academy golf shirt I purchased so the top is taken care of. I just don’t know if it will be jeans or dress pants. I normally wear jeans or a dress so the picking is quite slim. I can’t wear a dress to my ride along. I have a green pair, but that will clash with blue. I have a Kaki pair, but I haven’t had them on in ages. There is an off white pair I could wear but I think they will get to dirty. Oh, I have about 7 hours to decide.
I saw this morning that Robby was testing in Phoenix. That’s good, he has been having a tough couple of weeks. He has dropped a bit in the point standings. I hope Robby will end up in the top 10. If he does, he gets to sit on the big table on stage for the banquet. Sounds silly but it is rather prestigious. I am heading off to Phoenix next week for NASCAR race weekend, trucks, Busch and Winston Cup. Wouldn’t it be nice if my favorite driver won the race when I was in attendance? Go Robby Go! I still have that motivation technique, I am just to afraid to post it. If things don’t get better this weekend for him, I just might have to make it public!