JornalCon made the local weekly:
It’s nice to get a little press attention. I finally had a Devota day on Saturday. I lounged in my pj’s most of the morning, headed out to Yoga, stopped at the local party shop, the dog park and then to see the movie Kill Bill.
It was lovely to finally have a day to my self. I headed out for a cup of coffee with Laura after yoga. She is my instructor some nights and is just a really neat woman. It was nice to just stop and chit chat for an hour. A group of woman from the yoga class are getting together later this evening for dinner, that should be fun, I am looking forward to it, I need some girl time. I ran into a fellow journaler at the dog park, she has a beautiful Bull Mastiff puppy just a few months old. Sweet as can be. Saba had a good romp in the park and got himself tired out playing with and chasing all the dogs.
Q T made quite a little move for himself with Kill Bill. Lots of action, lots of sword fights and enormous amounts of blood and guts. All it was reported to be, a few twists and turns but an entertaining couple of hours. It is a guy flick, don’t bring the kids and just expect to be entertained for a bit. I want to rent desperado again, I think I still have a video store card somewhere.
We had a cold front blow in last night when we were at the movies. I took a little time last night to just sit in the back yard and enjoy the night air. Crisp, clean and a sky full of stars. I was thinking about starting the chiminia, fire pit, but decided I couldn’t stay awake that long. I just couldn’t go to sleep with it still burning. Hopefully I can do that tonight. With the time change today I feel like I got enough sleep.
I need to find a little time today to stop over at the office. I don’t really like to work on Sundays but I am heading out of town on Thursday and need to get a bit of work done ahead of time. I also need to stop at the grocery store I am running out of boxed dinners. Those little things are a lifesaver for a single girl!