Hey we have some statistics today:
"According to NASCAR, the average NASCAR fan is 36 years old and makes $45,000 annually. Sixty-two percent are male, 38 percent female, and 41 percent attend college. Sixty eight percent are married and 38 percent have children.
Tell your professor to chew on them apples“…..Marti Smith, Last Laps column on NASCAR.Com
The writer was trying to defend a statement from her college professor that all NASCAR fans were uneducated and running them down in a marketing class. Reminds me of the Political Pollsters that are trying to go for the NASCAR fan base vote. HUM just food for thought tonight.
Me, I landed back in Austin yesterday evening, grabbed up the dog and headed to the Casa. I was a wee bit tired from the long weekend with Brother and friend. I was needing some Saba time and a nice comfy bed. Did I mention that the bed in the hotel was awful! It had a dent in the middle of it and you ended up sliding to the center. YICK, I am looking for a different hotel for next year, I grabbed a few cards and will get on the mailing lists for rooms. I think I can find a better rate and a better bed for next year if I can make the races. It is a money thing now, it is awfully expensive weekend when I have to rent a car, rent a hotel and purchase tickets.
I went through all the swag I got at the track this morning. I got a Viagra T-shirt, a bunch of posters, some nifty little pins and some silly little gadgets. There is a personal fan with a logo on it, a few stickers and some other marketing stuff. Lots of driver handouts with photos and bios, neat collectable items in about 20 years. I will just put most of them away in a drawer. Keepsakes from my trips and perhaps a retirement fund.
I was at police class tonight after work. We had presentations from the office of the Community Liaison. There were some nice presentations, some give a ways and I got another APD coffee mug. I don’t know what to do with it, but I will add it to the coffee cup collection. I got the answer to a “test” question correct. The class was laughing at me because I take notes. I knew I had the answer from the fist nigh of class and just flipped back to it. They called me a geek, imagine that! Me a geek?!
Well, it is off to dream land for the evening, not much else in my little world.