I am still here, just having a bit of FUN!
I managed to get Dad grabbed up from the airport on Tuesday Afternoon. I was a tad late and his flight was early. I grabbed up Saba and we headed into the terminal to find Dad, well I goofed, Saba can only go in when he is flying, I was gently reminded by the security personnel. Woops, just a blond moment.
I headed back to the car with the dog then went in to search for Dad by myself. Guess what, I found him outside chit chatting with a fellow traveler who was waiting for there daughter also. We headed back to the house and got Dad settled in and Saba settled down. I got to spend a few hours with Dad before I had to run out to my last Citizens Police Academy Class. I felt horrible, dad ended up with a FROZEN Dinner and a daughter dashing out the door. Oh well not my best Southern Hospitality moment.
Class was a blast, literally. The presentations were from the Bomb Squad and the SWAT teams. Nice group of men that did the class. They brought lots of toys along. I got to play with blasting caps, pipe bombs and some other sort of home made explosive device. It was neat to see, I don’t think I would ever had this opportunity with out attending class. I read about these things but to touch them up close was neat. Oh, I got to see a mock up of the “vest” used by terrorists. Scary stuff when it goes off. Saw some photos of the blasts these things cause.
The SWAT team brought in some of there toys too. I got to see some of the non lethal weapons that they use. Bean Bag bullets, tasers and other sorts of equipment. There mission is to defuse situations, get people out and get out of there. I was amazed to hear how many calls they go on it the area, lots of activity. A great deal of there calls are to barricaded suicide attempts. That seemed a little strange to me, but if you have someone threatening him/herself and others I guess you need some back up. The Swat team and the bomb squad work together often.
I managed to get dad and I to the grocery store on Wednesday night so we could figure out the food situation. I didn’t realize he didn’t drink milk anymore so my breakfast ideas were all wrong. We managed to get some shopping done and we are set for the week. Guess what? DAD managed to get the grill to work! It was exciting to me,the grill had been sitting in the back yard for a little over a year and I just couldn’t get it to work. Dad worked his magic, a trip to the big box hardware store and we were grilling tonight! YUMMY a home cooked meal and it wasn’t to hard to clean up after. I might just learn how to cook again. It has been quite a few years!
Dad and I are off on an adventure tomorrow, we are going to Fredricksburg to go see a museum. Dad is a military history buff and I thought this would be a fun little outing.