I have a little tear running down my face.
I am sitting here watching Dad pack his bag and get ready for his departure from Austin. It has been a fabulous 10 day visit and I am a little sad he is leaving. We went to the museum, we played in the park, we had a birthday party, a graduation and a park protest lunch. The time just flew by.
I packed the car with Saba and Dad and headed out to the Admiral Nimitz museum in Fredricksburg TX on Friday. Boss gave me the day off so we wouldn’t have to fight all the tourist traffic on Saturday. It is an short drive from Austin about and hour and a half. Dad was a little skeptical about traveling with Saba when we left but he soon realized that Saba is a traveling dog. We had a great time a the museum, I learned a lot from Dad about military history. Dad challenged the guide because he had a few facts not quite correct. If anyone would know that would be my Dad. Saba and I let Dad browse thru a book store as we headed for the local doggie shop. Saba got a couple of specialty cookies for the trip home.
On Sunday we had the birthday party. We ended up with about 20 folks celebrating Saba’s birthday, Kramer’s birthday, Cranky’s birthday and a few others thrown in. I think it was a successful get together, lots of food, lots of conversation and lots of chit chat back and forth. Saba got a few presents and I was awfully tired by the end of the day.
On Monday we went book shopping. Dad likes rare military history books and he managed to snag a few for his collection. We ran around in the rain, headed home and had a great home cooked meal. Dad loves to barbeque and I figured out how to use the grill and the microwave 10 days of eating at home. It was nice for a change.
On Tuesday I had my graduation from the Citizens Police academy and I dragged Dad along. I am sure it was a little boring for him, but he was a good sport. I got a diploma from the police chief and some photos will be sent later on. We headed out to the Catfish Parlor for dinner after the ceremony with a group from class. Dad tired his first chicken fried steak. He didn’t comment on the taste but I did notice his plate was empty when the server was clearing the table.
Yesterday we headed down the hill to the South Austin Culture Club event. Did I mention I am a board member of this little group. Dad thought we might get arrested. The original plan was to walk over and cut the construction fence surrounding the park. I didn’t make many of the meeting this year due to Police Class so I didn’t realize plans had changed and they did a ceremonial cutting of the fence. We did make the local paper today, you can read the details here: {http://www.statesman.com/metrostate/content/auto/epaper/editions/thursday/metro_state_f3cb5730905452c3007a.htmlnoahgrey.com/"
Last night we went to the leash free dog park with Saba and got him tuckered out. Headed home and again had a fabulous dinner with the grill combination and a few vegetables thrown in. We sat and drank a bottle of wine, talked and talked all night long about the world, his experiences in the world and a bit of gossip here and there. We were both a little tired and headed to bed around 10:30.
Saba and I will head to the airport with Dad in a few hours, I will cherish this time we got to spend together. It will be sad to see him depart but I think he will be back for another visit soon.