Where is Robby?
Daytona testing started yesterday the 6th of January and Robby was slated to test. His website lists him on the 6th test date but I can’t find any speeds, any results or any news. HUM.. Where is that boy?
Yes racing is back in the lime light now that the Daytona 500 is bit more than a month away. There is a bit of racing news, some changes coming and I am looking forward to a great year in racing. Provisional starts will change; the top 38 times will qualify instead of the top 36. That changes the provisional starts from 7 to 5 for each race. I think that is a great change, dam it if you can get to the big show on time, there is no reason that someone else can bump you off due to there problems in qualifying. This should change the starting grids a little and let some of the younger racers get in the big show a bit more often (someone like Brandon Ash perhaps: see 10/30/03 entry).
There will be a change in the number of test days also. The teams, cup and Busch will now be allowed to test 5-2 day events and 4 single days at the scheduled tracks. There is no restriction on test days for non scheduled tracks, like Oklahoma. Sounds like a good change to me. There is a little tweaking in the trucks and the wording was a little confusing to me but they are also getting some additional manufactures test dates. I just don’t understand what tracks they mean.
Cumulative results: Dale Jarrett came in 5th and Mark Martin in 8th for Tuesdays test sessions. Looking good so far boys!