Job search still going strong, lots of fingerprints and Dad out of hospital.
Good news on Dad, he is home. They think they found the problem, it is manageable so that is great news. I have been heavily in the work search mode, a few bites nothing concrete yet. Glad I took the temp position, it is keeping me occupied and I got my first check on Friday.
We were laughing the other night, the other women and I, about my receiving a check. “Gee, I actually get paid for this now?” Yah, no more volunteer time, you actually get paid to do this. It felt good to have a bit of money to put into the checking account. It is reserved for bills and stuff but it was nice to go to the bank and make a deposit. Oh, I found out it takes a few weeks for the direct deposit to work.
I am still filing lots and lots of fingerprint cards. Some of the ones I am working on are from the 30’s and 40’s. The cards are detailed with the descriptions of the offences: Fined $17.00 for offensive language. Arrested for stealing a pair of shoes. Busted for stealing chickens. Arrested for investigation, was just hanging around. Lots and lots of drunken men, there were a lot of military folks that were out having a few to many drinks, not much has changed in Austin, now it is college students instead of military.
I am heading out for a birthday party today. T’s son is having his 7th birthday bash. I am a little nervous, there will be lots of 6 and 7 year olds at the party. I got a great present for him thanks to his mom’s help. I had to venture into the big box toy store and would have gotten lost with out the detailed directions. “go through the entrance, take the left isle, 3 racks down go to the end of the rack turn around and there they are.”