more cars and music
Spent part of the day back at the musuem, they had the hot rod corvetts come out and play. B. and a I had a lovley dinner on the patio with his folks and then a bunch of friends arrived to play music.
All acoustic, wonderful mix of strings and just some picking around the strings. The boys stayed up late, I got serinaded to sleep. It was a perfect evening.
I haven't quite figured out how the Midland woman keep their hair big in this wind. I mean they have traditional TX big hair, not a strand out of place, yet the wind is constantly blowing here. I looked like something the cat dragged in by the end of the afternoon, but they are perfectly coffed.
Yesterday the weather didn't cooperate with the plans to go to the dunes, perhaps another trip. Today will be a travel day. Hope to be home by 6:00. I miss Saba, it's the first travel, other than racing that I couldn't bring him with me. I get so used to his company and his silly little habits. He is off visiting P. and his big dog for the weekend.