OH shit what a week.
Started on Sunday with Fathers day and ended last night with the rain.
I tried to call Dad on Fathers day and ended up with a busy signal and then the machine. I tried but if you don’t answer the phone, I can’t give you my wishes. Dad had surgery on Monday morning. It went well, he was released the same day but this phone thing with him is driving me nuts. I finally got to talk to him on Wednesday afternoon. It was a bit unsettling but sounds like he will only be down a bit for a couple of weeks.
Thursday, I have a message on my machine from Brother. “Hey sis, try to call me as soon as you get home, I am heading into surgery in a couple of hours.” What the hell? I hate the new privacy rules for doctors and hospitals; they will not tell you anything on the phone. I think it has gone a bit too far. I am sitting her in TX, Mom’s on the cape and Brother is in NM and they can’t tell me what happened. Very frustrating and this needs to be changed. I am going to make up a card for my wallet indicating they can talk to my family if anything happens to me. To hell with privacy when you are out of state. The medical profession needs to be able to tell you what is going on. I ended up yelling at someone at the hospital. Dam it, I am 14 hours away by car, I can hop on a plane in a couple of hours, I need some information to make a decision. It took a bunch of phone calls to finally figure out what happened, he took a tumble on his mountain bike and broke an arm and a leg.
Well, I finally get to talk to Brother Thursday night after he gets out of surgery. He is all drugged up from surgery, he can’t tell me how big the casts are, what they did to him or anything. I wait until Friday and call him from work. He made a bit more sense then but hadn’t talked to his doctor yet. Turns out he has a pin in his ankle/leg joint and they waited until he was drugged for surgery to try to reset his wrist.
After some finagling, Mom is heading out to NM to see Brother on Tuesday. He wanted to do all of this by himself, he was doing the independent, macho thing. Moms feelings were hurt, she wants to help. I guess when they told him he would need a walker and a wheel chair, he finally gave in. Mom is a nurse, she knows what he is up against so it will be good for her to be there. I just hope they can get along when they are together, it will be 10 days at least.
Well the new job is going well. I started that on Monday, did a bit of training in the morning, then started off and running dealing with customers. It took a couple of days to get the computer access set up on all the data bases. Profiles had to be loaded and there is one data base I have access to but have no clue what the key search words are. It’s only a data base, I should have it figured out shortly or I will ask for the training materials and learn on my own.
The most frustrating thing about work so far is lunch. I don’t know how to get every thing I need to do done in 30 minuets. I want to have a cigarette, go potty, heat my lunch up and eat. I guess it will be sandwiches for lunch, it takes to long to heat the frozen dinners up. I can’t just start them before break, I am on a different floor of the building. I can’t use the microwave when I am not in the break room, other folks got huffy. I think yogurt and sandwiches are the way to go. I am off to the grocery store as soon as I post this and will have to figure it all out.
Other than my training hours, I do like the job. The days are over before I know it, time just fly’s by. Once I am fully trained, I will switch hours so this is only temporary. I don’t really like getting up and out of bed before the sun is even up.
I had a work picnic last night. It got rained on. It was fine when I arrived, but then it started to pour. It rained in buckets and I didn’t enjoy being crowded in with all those folks. I did head down to Thunder Hill last night. It looked like the rain avoided the track. It did all afternoon, they had planned on racing. I pulled into the parking lot and just one tiny part of the storm hit Kyle. Well ROMCO decided it was too dangerous to race and rescheduled for the 10th. I finished my beer and headed home.
I don’t know what happened on the way home but my car alarm went off twice when I was driving. I just go new batteries for the remote thing. I guess I will figure that out later this week. I looked awfully silly driving down the road with the alarm going, the lights flashing and trying to get the dam thing to shut off.
That was my week, just a week.