I love the internet!
I was checking traffic reports for the site.
I find it amazing; I have readers from all over the world. I never thought this little rambling site about my life would be popular. I figured it would be a few friends, family and a stranger here or there. I never guessed I would have race fans, hockey fan, gaming fans an assorted groups of others. Thanks for stopping by, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my rants. I am humbled.
It was a Monday at the office. After I took a couple of days off there was a lot to do: telephones ringing, lots of emails to sort through, paperwork to file and cases to get caught up on. It is hard enough to get back into the work grove again, but having the day extend into overtime was a bit much. There was a breaking case as I was getting ready to leave the office. I did a bit of background work, answered a lot of telephone calls and it took an extra hour and a half. The good news is it will not be our case, we will be sending it to another unit. The other good news is that it was a bit of overtime for me!
I didn’t get much done on the barn yesterday: I placed the order for the gas service, I should get a call today to confirm the time and date. I was looking into internet access, television service and telephone service. It took about an hour: I tired 3 companies; there are bundles, packages options and a bit of confusion on my end. I am looking for the Speed channel, high speed and long distance service. Why can’t this be easy? I guess the marketing folks wouldn’t have anything to do.
I hope to get some more stuff moved tonight. I am going to skip yoga and keep plugging at it. I have to finish the closet door switch, I want to clean the CD cases before they get moved. They are icky and dusty at the moment. How does that happen? I guess after a year an four months of working on the new house, I let the old house cleaning go a bit. I can’t wait until I have a bit of extra time. It will be a few more weeks I still have a few more projects to complete, but I am looking forward to sleeping in on the weekends, stopping to read a book or just lounging around. Soon, very soon.