Sid’s home, he looks a bit silly although.
I picked him up after work and brought him home, he was making his feelings know.
He was making a lot of noise, sharing his displeasure with me. I figured I deserved it, I helped create this mess. He has a reverse Mohawk right now, its not attractive. (No I am not posting photos.) Later on Sid joined Saba and I in bed. It was nice to have all the critters curled up with me. I guess I am forgiven.
Work has been awful. I don’t know if it’s me, if it’s them or if it’s just a horrible combination. I just wanted to leave yesterday. I kept getting caught in the middle of things. I didn’t like my job yesterday.
It just didn’t stop, having started when I got in first thing in the morning. Someone didn’t cancel a BOLO, I had an officer on the telephone, and I thought I had heard the person was found, but needed to confirm it. I tried the supervisors but they weren’t sure. I had to page a couple of folks to try and figure it out. I didn’t want to wake the investigator: he is working nights. That’s how my day started; it ended with a butt chewing from a detective. I couldn’t get help with something and it was one of those time when no matter what I did it was going to be wrong. I hate getting caught in that type of situation.
I need to get my game face on today. It’s going to be a long day. I am frustrated, my unit is full of stress bunnies and it’s only Wednesday. I am trying to decide to drive or bus. There is flash flooding going on right now. 18 inches of rain fell last night over the hill country. The lakes are already full: the flood gates are being opened on the dams. I think I will bus, the PD is next to a creek that floods rather easily. Better to keep the car home and get a little wet. Perhaps a walk will help me get my game face on.