Top of the tower in Happy Hour.
Go Robby Gordon, looks like the Super Speedway and your car are getting along.
I was just checking on the practice speeds for this weekend’s race, it looks like Robby is in contention. It’s Daytona in the summer time for this week’s race. I will have to pop over and look to see how qualifying this afternoon goes, I am hopeful.
It has been a hectic week at work again. I wonder if this is going to be the norm for a little while. I ended up heading into the office on the holiday. I had so much work and not enough time to get it done. With all the rain, my park plans were not going to work, my cut the grass plans got washed away so I headed into the office. I am going to take my July 4th on another day.
I was trying to check on hotels for a weekend wedding to see if they will take Saba. The site says 1 small pet per room. I tried to call to find out their definition of small pet, but no one answered the telephone. I tried the national number and it said to call the hotel for details. I will try again today. I want to take Saba to the coast with me; I think it would be a lot of fun. I think he can attend the wedding. I need to check with the bride.
I stopped at the dollar store on the way to yoga last night. I wanted to pick up just a couple of small things. I found this neat fountain for $6.- that I am going to use at my desk. I can’t do a candle: there is way to much paper and I am afraid of leaving it unattended. I thought this might be a nice touch for the desk. It is battery operated so I can place it anywhere. I think the sound of flowing water will be soothing. It might help with all the stress that is hanging around the office.
I wonder if Saba and I can go to our favorite park tonight. Last week it was half under water and it looks like we are going to have more storms today. We might just have to go to the other park. That’s OK, change is good.