My Murder Bag.
Mom had a great idea that I started to put in place last night.
The days are starting to run together in my mind. I have been working an awful lot of overtime this week. I don’t even know how long my week has been. I don’t know if I even want to add it up today. I can tell you I am tired, I am cranky and tired of being hungry at the office.
I was talking with some friends and saying I needed a better way to take care of myself when I have to pull long days. They had some good suggestions for me. I worked a 14.5 hour day on Tuesday. I called Mom on Wednesday morning and she had this brilliant idea: A Murder Bag. Fill it with things I would need to get through the days and make myself more comfortable. I stopped at the store last night and started to get the bag made up. So far I have the following: some healthy snacks, some extra girlish coffee, some microwave Mac and Cheese, a toothbrush, some mouthwash, some throat drops, a “smell good” spray, some face wipes and a change of cloths. I am sure that I will add and take away some of the things in it, but it is a start. I put it in my zoo back pack: I figured that was appropriate. I am going to leave it by the front door so I can grab it on the way out without having to stop and think about what I need at what ever time of the night it is.
I have to say the stress in the office is at a peak I haven’t seen before. I have gotten my butt chewed by a lot of people this week. None within my unit: an unhappy corporal, a couple of district attorney’s, and some very cranky people on the telephone. Stress doesn’t bring out the best in some people. And yes, I am only the admin., but I am the Homicide Admin., it’s a bit different in my unit. Most of the other support staff doesn’t have the responsibility I have. They don’t get called back in the middle of the nigh to work, they don’t have as many detectives to support. They don’t have the media spot light looking for answers. They don’t have the brass asking questions. I know I wanted this job, I applied for it, but today I am just tired.
I hope I can get out of the office before the sun sets. I hope I can take Saba to the park tonight. I want to spend some quality time with my pillow tonight.