12-4-A , 12-4-Q and 20-6.7.C.
Darn it Robby, that’s 25 points and 25K.
Robby got caught with something wrong at Daytona. The article didn’t say, it was during pre race inspection. 20-6.7C an unapproved camera shell? I have no idea what that is offically, but it sounds to me like on of the on board camera mounts. Hum, that’s odd. Pentalties are usually handed out on Tuesdays, I guess with the plane crash, things got pushed back a few days. It wasn’t announced until Friday.
I am scambling to change my weekend plans, my clutch decided last night to go out. I was headed to the park with Saba and I ended up with no petal. I think I just broke the cable, they fulids all seem fine. I had to wait for the tow truck driver for a little over an hour, that was annoying, but at least we were not far from home. We were able to just walk home. There was a party going on at the house I ended up in front of. It was funny, the guests were arriving with food and drink and I was asked if I wanted to attend. Thanks, but I just wanted to head home.
The tow truck dirver showed me a photo as we were talking: a 65 barricuda fast back he had just towed to the shop earlier in the day. It was orange, not green, but it reminded me of my first car. Yah, it brough back a few fond memories of tooling around in the ‘cuda. I was 16 when dad gave me that car, I loved it a lot, it was fast, fun and sexy. I wonder what a restored one would go for now.
I don’t know if I can find a ride to the local track for tonights race. I was looking forward to going all week. I don’t know if I can talk anyone into going with me and driving. I guess I will be doing a bit of stuff around the house this weekend.