I got the car back,
It sat in the driveway last night, but it felt good to have it back.
I picked it up on the way into the office yesterday morning. I didn’t get out in time to pick it up on Wednesday; I stayed over for a short time. It has been so busy at work and it doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon.
I got into the office and it was a buzz again. There were two murders in on Wednesday. I didn’t get called back in the middle of the night for the second one. Apparently there wasn’t much for me to do and I was without transportation. When I arrived at my desk, the telephones were ringing, there were detectives scattered in the offices, in the field and taking statements. I felt like I was a bit behind the curve but was able to get caught up quickly.
I wonder sometimes about what the stress is doing to me. It was non stop all day, I did manage to get lunch, but not with the group. They went out to celebrate the promotion of one of the detectives to sergeant, he gets reassigned on Sunday. I was left to figure out a task that hadn’t been done in years. I don’t know why it came up yesterday, but it became a priority. My feelings got hurt a couple of times yesterday: being left out for lunch, having people snap at me through out the day. I guess I just need to get over it, but I am still disappointed with some of my co-workers.
The new Chief got sworn in yesterday, there was a large ceremony at city hall. I saw him and his family as they came into the police headquarters. I had printed off a couple of photos for it for the guys that didn’t know what he looked like. I didn’t do the mug shot layout, but I did get a laugh about doing the photos.
I thought about going to the gym last night, but was just exhausted when I got home. I need to force myself to do something that will help to get my endorphins pumping. I wonder if I should change gyms. I wonder if it would be more convenient to have a gym downtown I can stop at the way home. There is a gym at work, I think I will wonder over there today and see what equipment they have. I don’t know if I want to work out with cops, but it might be the answer for right now. I guess I could drag my workout gear to work with me.
It’s back to the office shortly. I am glad I have the car back its raining today and I have plans to take Saba to the park tonight. I want to get him run down, rain or shine.