I am embarrassed to say how many pairs I have collected.
I was cleaning up the house a bit after getting home from the dollar store last night. I needed a couple of little things and it is often a Monday night adventure. I got a candle holder, some tea lights to put in it and a few other little ‘treats”. I was waiting for the telephone to ring and was putting up my shoes.
My shoes end up in the strangest places: by the front door, by the bedroom door. Under the desk, in the bath, all around the house they land. I am usually barefoot in the house, as soon as I get home, the shoes go flying off. I was putting them up on the racks in the closet. I decided to count how many pairs I have. I don’t recall ever doing that, I have known for years I have way too many pairs of shoes. I was shocked to find out I own a lot shoes. Yes, I counted then number of pairs of shoes I own. It is more than 20 and less than 50. I am avoiding the answer, it’s outrageous, I will agree. I like all of them; I wear most of them often. I have gotten rid of a few pairs lately, as I replaced them with newer ones. I have been the same size all of my adult life so some are quite old. I was counting shoes, boots, slipper and everything that goes onto my feet. I have to admit the numbers don’t I.
I own 47 pairs of shoes!
Do you care to comment on the number you own? How far off base am I? Leave me a comment below, you can remain anonymous if you would like.