We skipped the park last night,
I couldn’t take the traffic, 40 minuets for my 10 minuet drive.
Forget that! I had driven into the office yesterday, I couldn’t get motivated to get up on time and catch the bus. With all the ACL activity, a rollover on the highway and the usual Friday afternoon traffic, downtown was gridlocked.
I stayed at one light for two cycles, got cussed at by the guy behind me for not going through and blocking the intersection. I remember in NYC they always had the “don’t block the box” tickets. They were rather expensive, especially during the holiday season. I guess I still go by that rule in TX. Don’t block the cross walks, don’t block the road and it pisses some folks off. Oh well, I am sure he eventually got over it.
By the time I landed home, there was no way I was going to attempt to try and cross the river again. The festival has created a whole bunch of traffic, pedestrians, pedi cabs, cars and bicycles. I chatted on the telephone with a friend, made it home and decided to curl up with Saba and a book for the night. Not exactly what I had planned, but it was a nice night just the same. Me, my dog, my cat, my nice house and a bit of peace and quiet.
I don’t know what happened to Robby Gordon at practice and qualifying. He was slow yesterday, barely able to get into the race on time. It doesn’t look good for my driver right now. Hope things get straightened out today. I bet the crew was working late into the night on the car.