I headed downtown and dodged the drunks leaving the clubs.
The phone rang at 1:30 a.m.
I got called into the office in the middle of the night again. This time it went a lot smoother. There were a couple of hiccups, but nothing major. Just detectives from other units were assisting and there were a couple of things that we do differently than other units. No big deal, I was able to correct them before it had an impact. I was able to get them set up on the computers, printing and get them the forms and supplies they needed. This investigation felt like it flowed right from the start, kept flowing nicely and I am home after 4.5 hours in the office for a break.
I will have to head back in for my normal day in a couple of hours, but it will do me good to have a break. I saw one of the cleaning ladies on the way out the door. She was just getting started on her day and she was the one that reminded me: “you work some really strange hours”. Yup, I sure do……