A fantasy escape.
I was talking with a co-worker on the elevator yesterday.
We were laughing about the work stress. I told him I wanted to run away and join the circus. I remembered he has a camper; I asked him if we could run away in the camper instead, follow Nascar for a year and camp along the way. He thought it was a good idea. I told him I would love too, but I had a dog and we are a package deal. He was Ok with that, but he wanted to collect his pension first and told me he had a couple of dogs. I assured him they would get along just fine with Saba.
As I headed back up to my desk, the fantasy escape kept running through my mind. Could I actually do it? Could I runaway for a year? Yah, I can, it might not be the smartest move finically, but I could do it. Perhaps its time to make some plans for an escape from the office, the stress level is quit high right now.
I did manage to take Saba for a stroll down Congress avenue the other night. We stopped and got ice cream and then I picked up some dinner to take home. I managed to make my yoga class last night and it sure felt good. I needed some me time: time to reflect, time to come up with ideas.
I wouldn’t run away with a co-worker, but I sure could run away with Saba. I wonder how much campers cost now. I just might have to look on the internet and do some fantasy shopping.