Lunch went well.
Lots of city, county and politically active folks attended.
I headed into work and then headed out for lunch. It was a great turn out for the South Austin Culture Club: about 125 people attended. I was working the registration table, I wish I had gotten to do a bit more networking, but the line kept me busy. I think the name badges were a nice touch, a bit of rivalry for the color coding and the different notations. Once the line was finished, I headed into the theater, I was quite surprised with the turn out, and we didn’t look too small for the room.
I didn’t hear the opening remarks, but I got to see the Jeopardy style game played. The new city manager was scheduled, but he was ill and the mayor took over his slot. I think that gave him a bit of an advantage, but it was all done in fun. The score was “tied” when the big wager was made at the end of the game.
I sat next to my boss, the police chief after he finished playing the game. I asked if we were still friends, he said we were. I was confident that we wouldn’t push him or the mayor to hard, but we did make our points. I hope the point that 12% of one of the speakers wages went to property taxes will resonate with the chief. He did make a comment and I replied back: ’think how much of my wages go to taxes, I don’t make near what he makes”. I hope the point of fiscal responsibility will stay with him as the budget issues are in the works.
I headed back to a quiet office, just myself yesterday: the detectives were all in classes. I didn’t get near the amount of work done I was wishing for, but it was nice to have a day with out the ciaos, the griping and the office drama.