Uneventful move:
Transition training next week.
I felt a bit out of place in the afternoon after I pulled the last of my desk items out of the drawer and headed over with my chair to the new office. It was quite anti climatic, very few people were in the offices, it was a typical Friday afternoon. A couple of calls came in and I passed them off to the people that were working: I will not be around to do the follow up and its time for someone else to take the lead.
I had to laugh as I was getting the last of the stuff out of my desk: a follow up call came in about one of the calls I passed along earlier in the afternoon. The PIO officer headed up to find out what the case was about. I explained I had already passed the call onto someone else from the unit: but here was the case number, look for the conclusion there and follow up with that person on Monday. We had a laugh about my checking out: its no longer my issue, it belongs to the unit now.
I am ready for the transition; I am ready to get new projects and new people to work with. I have one week left of training, but I have already let go of the responsibility.
I have a quiet weekend planned, it will be a weekend to refocus and relax.